Follow her adventures as Adelaide's premier theatre buff, arts contributor, educator and ambassador!

March 1, 2019

Review: Paul McDermott and Steven Gates at the Garden of Unearthly Delights

Tonight’s Fortuna Spiegeltent, the most elaborate and superbly air conditioned tent at The Garden of Unearthly Delights is the home of Paul McDermott and Steven Gates’ Go Solo (Together, as they say) for the next ten days. McDermott and Gates became friends in 1999 after meeting at the ARIAs, but this marks the beginning of their musical duo, after singing together privately for 5 years. Two of Australia’s most adored and revered comedic singer-songwriters, McDermott, from cult musical comedy group Doug Anthony All Stars and Good News Week (my fave) and Gates, one third of Tripod, bring Adelaide a show of old friend barneys, reminiscing, witty banter and spontaneous drivel scattered amongst their genius lyricism and songbook catalogue. We begin with Shopping Mall, Paul’s tongue in cheek ode to finally understanding common life after his high roller times with DAAS, followed by a rock, Chilli-Pepper-feel rendition of White Man Prison (loved it!). A beautiful Be My Queen, by Gatesy, with comical vocals by McDermott lead into an impromptu heckle of a 13 year old audience […]
February 28, 2019

Review: Sex and The Musical at Treasury 1860

Walking into Treasury 1860 on a hot Adelaide night, a Cosmopolitan was just what I needed to cool me down. And the cosmos were indeed flowing, in this perfect venue for Sex and the Musical. Taking our seats to the theme music that took me back, it’s hard to think that the show actually ended in 2004. But with 2 movies and reruns still going, this iconic and cult series still has a huge following. We are taken back before the action starts, a prequel, when Carrie’s boss tells her she’s losing her edge, so she goes on the hunt for a posse of friends ‘sweet, smart, sassy and sexy’ to help her get her mojo to write her successful columns again. Carrie’s opening song, The most interesting woman, is a hilarious send up introducing us to the main character, but also questioning how she affords her luxurious lifestyle on a columnists wage. A question we have all asked ourselves! Stefanie Rossi has the hair, the body, the look and the tutu to bring musical […]
February 23, 2019

Review: Djuki Mala at the Garden of Unearthly Desires

Tonight’s sold out, highly anticipated, award winning show, Djuki Mala are quirky, high-voltage, compelling, cheeky and joyous. And that is just the crowd warmer! Direct from Elcho Island, Djuki Mala (meaning bird mob) perform an incredible fusion of traditional Yolngu culture, contemporary dance and storytelling. They achieved overnight success when Frank Djirrimbilpilwuy (Big Frank) uploaded a clip of the ‘Chooky’ boys dancing to Zorba the Greek back in 2012. Lionel, Big Frank’s son, created this special video as a thank you to the Greek nurse, Liliane, who cared for his sister while she was sick. From the success of the video, which has had over 2.5 million views on YouTube, they have toured all over the world with their exuberant and effervescent interpretation of dance, song-lines and pop culture. Beginning with a history of colonisation, we see an opening of the four dancers in traditional costumes and ochre, with Gara (spears) and Galpu (spear thrower) and are introduced to Margaret, Big Frank’s wife, via the multimedia projection on stage. She tells us about Big Frank, […]
February 21, 2019

Review: By a Thread at The Peacock at Gluttony

I like seeing a show without expectation, so I do minimal research beforehand and be led purely by what I see on the stage. And what I saw this evening, By a Thread presented by One Fell Swoop Circus, was nothing short of magical. A thick, white rope strung between 2 large pulleys suspended from the top of The Peacock in a spotlight, greeted the audience as we took our seats. Soon, there were bodies clad in jeans and white tank tops entering the arena to take turns in pulling one end of the rope to unravel it upwards. Our attention is then drawn to a scream as a young woman, Ellen, swings on the other end into the crowd. This performer astounds me. She looks as graceful as a gazelle and delicate as a rose, but the strength her body has is incredible! All the performers are spectacularly powerful, agile, elegant and athletic. And there is no prejudice between the roles the performers play. Women being lifters and the base at times, while the […]
February 20, 2019

Review: Eddie Ifft at Adelaide Fringe

As a mother of 3, with 2 jobs and 1 husband, I love a night off to have a good belly laugh. So while my huz looks after the kids, I take my dad to see Eddie Ifft Walking on Eggshells. I can hear some of you chortle right about now…I have a cool dad who is not easily shocked or offended, so he was the perfect date. The US comedian has performed to sold out crowds around the world, hosts the successful Talkin’ Shit podcast and has released 3 DVDs, including one titled ‘I Love Pussy’, and 3 CDs with songs such as The Vagina Room and Freeze Enough Sperm, this guy is not afraid of a little over sharing [when I say a little, I mean a lot] or shock value. Ifft lives up to his reputation as a boundary pusher, being politically incorrect at the same time as being super funny. I found myself laughing at jokes and face palming at the same time. This is Eddie’s thing. Making ‘people laugh at […]
February 19, 2019

Review: All Change at Bakehouse Theatre

All Change [Phrase/British/Spoken] – Used for telling people on a train or a bus that they must leave it because it is not going any further. This is quite the metaphor for this play in so many ways. The fact that the train symbolises the end of the road for both our main characters, Ivor and his daughter Lily. That trains occupied a huge part of Ivor’s life, the notion of one’s train of thought and how dementia breaks this and the fact that no one actually likes change. Smokescreen Productions starts the conversation with their affecting and sentimental work, All Change. Produced with support of new Adelaide company, STARC Productions, All Change first began as a project based on a family experience of writer and actor, Tim Marriott. It had a limited but very well received run at Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2018 and this reception encouraged the team to reinvigorate and adapt to this year’s Fringe. Director Nicholas Collett was very lucky indeed to have the talented Stefanie Rossi and Tim Marriott as his […]
February 17, 2019

Review: Blackrock at The Arch at Holden Street Theatres – Adelaide Fringe

Blackrock and Nick Enright have been customary with drama school auditions around the country since the mid 90s, and with good reason. Inspired by the true events of a young girls murder on Newcastle’s Stockton Beach in 1989, Enright was asked to write an education piece that examines the world of adolescence, mateship, violence, and relationships. He was then commissioned by Sydney Theatre Company to expand the play into a full length work, and Blackrock was debuted in 1995 to critical acclaim. The town of Blackrock is shook when the body of a teenage girl is found the morning after a party, raped and murdered. The play does not depict the murder itself. Instead, the focus is on a teenager, Jared Kirby, torn between the choking culture of mateship and misogyny and the effect of Tracy’s death on her friends, the parents of those involved and the town. Although the play is now over 30 years old, Enright’s depiction of Australian youth culture is still front and centre today. The objectification of young women, binge […]
February 17, 2019

Review: Michael Griffiths – By Request at Le Cascadeur at Adelaide Fringe

Cabaret is not like anything else. Packed in like sardines, up close and personal, audience interaction. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea. But if you want to experience cabaret, there is no better introduction than Michael Griffiths. A seasoned performer, musical theatre trained, Helpmann Award winner, Michael brings his vivacious personality and captivating voice to Le Cascadeur at The Garden of Unearthly Delights with his show, Michael Griffiths: By Request. He delighted us with Sweet Dreams, In Vogue, Adolescent and Lucky. Blew us away with his Cole Porter tribute show and now brings all his favourites back for a rollicking rendition, this time with a band (the very talented Felicity on bass and Josh on drums). A casual but exuberant atmosphere, we are taken back to the 70’s and ABBA with Knowing Me, Knowing You, and here Michael explains his love affair with music began. He talks about his very first concert experience with his dad, seeing A-ha, which was the segue to Take on Me. Other favourites from Peter Allen, Barry Manilow, Queen (so […]
February 16, 2019

Review: Amelia Ryan – Simply the Breast at Le Cascadeur

On a balmy Saturday night, we packed ourselves into Le Cascadeur at the Garden of Unearthly Delights to see cabaret darling Amelia Ryan’s new show, Simply the Breast. Accompanied by Michael Griffiths, she takes you on a journey – an emotional, captivating, hilarious and honest one at that- through her life and the ‘breast’ of her previous shows, Storm in a D Cup, Lady Liberty and The Breast is Yet to Come. To set the scene, she waltzed onstage with a breast pump (my poor husband was mortified when tasked with holding it for her), and immediately broke the fourth wall with candid satire and jest. Taking us from her unique childhood in small town Bombo, to her stripper university days, meeting the love of her life and bringing her son into the world, Amelia lays all her cards on the table and leaves no stone unturned. And what a show this makes. I cry laughed (yes, there was bladder leakage) and got teary, I gasped at her honesty, I was gobsmacked at her life […]
February 16, 2019

Review: Neon at the Corona, Adelaide Fringe

The buzz and excitement of opening night at the Adelaide Fringe was palpable tonight. The Garden of Unearthly Delights was its usual vibrant, eclectic self, host to some of the best Fringe acts the world has to offer. With a full house at the Corona, Circus Oz’s Neon delivered on all the promised trashy, glitzy, gaudy and tragic celebration of the 80’s. Starting with John Farnham’s You’re the Voice blaring out of the sound system (which inspired an audience sing a long while taking our seats), followed by some Spandau Ballet Gold , we were taken on a glorious ride through a decade of music, bad dancing and some incredible feats of fancy. From the opening number, we knew we were in for a treat of serious proportions.These guys and gals have talent. And of course they do. Circus Oz have been creating extraordinary shows for 40 years – touring successfully nationally and internationally. Circus Oz celebrate breathtaking stunts, Aussie humour, and an all human ensemble. I especially adore their motto of promoting the best […]
January 27, 2019

Review: Last of the Red Hot Lovers at Bakehouse

Walking into the Bakehouse Theatre this evening was a burst of fresh air. No, literally. It was 45 degrees outside. And fittingly, I was going in to see Neil Simon’s Last of the Red Hot Lovers. This offering is the fourth for Starc Productions, Adelaide’s newest full-time professional theatre company, a collaboration between Marc Clement, Stefanie Rossi and theatre gem Tony Knight. Starc’s sentiment is to produce plays with minimal set design, thus allowing the actors to take, for lack of a better phrase, centre stage. This was evident upon entering the theatre – a clean, classic set in white and red. Stylised as such that the key timekeepers – the clock and telephone – were in bold red, while the couch and table were white. I liked the addition of the apples on the table; a suggestion of sexual seduction perhaps? Set in 1969, to the tunes of Bacharach, Barney Cashman, a middle aged, married, fish restaurateur, wishes to join the sexual revolution. Unbeknownst to him, it’s not that easy. In three acts we […]
January 18, 2019

Review: A Doll’s House at Bakehouse

Ibsen’s A Doll’s House, written in 1879, is a significant play in the way it deals with the awakening of a middle class wife and mother in a male-dominated world, one not too dissimilar to what we are experiencing in current day society. As you can imagine, the play caused great controversy at the time, and continues to speak powerfully more than 100 years after it first hit the stage. Ipskip Productions brings a new adaptation to life under the cultivating eye of director Nathan Quadrio and dramaturge Miriam Fietz, set in London in 1959. Nora Helmer, the innocent (or not so innocent) self serving wife, was played beautifully by Allison Scharber. She portrayed the complexities of Nora’s character with charm, at times submissive and manic. She struggles with juggling kids, her house, husband, a secret debt, a terminally ill best friend and the arrival of an old school friend who brings much chaos through the door with her. Georgia Stockham’s Christine Linde, the chaotic old friend, has the perfect blend of forcefulness and amiability […]
July 6, 2017

What to do with the kiddies these hollies…

It’s that time of year again… cold, wet and school holidays! If your kids are anything like mine, the first day is fine, then they get antsy, cabin fever, and are forever saying things like ‘I’m bored!’ or ‘I’m hungry!’ Never fear, I’ve got my fave holiday activities all sorted for you in one spot! And best of all, they are either super cheap or free! CITY It is so easy to have a cheap day out in the city. Catch a tram in, stroll down the mall to marvel at the copper pigs and the Mall’s Balls (seriously, who doesn’t remember saying ‘meet you at the balls!’ when you were 15..), and the array of new mall art and laneways. Then hit up my top 3 – Migration Museum, Art Gallery and the SA Museum. All are free, and will keep the kiddies entertained for the entire day! Also check out the fab play, Emil and the Detectives, presented by Slingsby Theatre Company, at the Myer Centre. A great way to get the little […]
May 5, 2017

Top 5 for the Queen of the hive…

Is it just me, or has Mother’s Day crept up on us this year? Maybe because I’ve been overseas for nearly 4 weeks (ahem, bragging rights!!) but I’m not ready yet! Lucky for you (and me!), Harbour Town has everything, any mum could want on her special day. I’ve whittled it down to the top 5, but there are PLENTY more to choose from… ONE. Now is the time to pick up some gorgeous autumn/winter boots in colours that are so on trend. Navy, grey, burgundy, snake print… you name it, Nine West have them. And with an additional 30% off, you’ll not only make mums day, but you’ll kinda make a profit too (because you’re saving money, you’re actually making money – amIright??!!) Navy boots were $199.95 now $90.96, Snake/multi print were $219.95 now just $62.96, burgundy boots were $210 now $90.96 and black boots were $220 now only $97.95. TWO. Looking for something in the kids budget? Head to Cosmetics Fragrance Direct and pick up one of their pre packaged bundles for $30 […]
December 7, 2016

Tis the season to go shopping, fa la la la la…

Oh deer! It’s Christmas already?! But I haven’t even started thinking about my present list?! Yes, I can hear your cries of help, so never fear, yule love my Chrissie gift guide – something for every budget and awesome bounties that all the family will love!   FOR HER Who doesn’t love a shoe and bag coordinating combo? At Nine West, these turquoise flats will set you back $20 (gasp!) while the new season woven clutch is only $39.95… that’s mum sorted! Perhaps the lady in your life would appreciate some new arm candy? I’m talking bracelets… Shiels have some super sales at the moment, and you can pick up these wrap bands for $29… did I mention the tan one is leather and only $9.99…!! Perfect for the stocking! Care to get sexy? Bendon have a massive $20 sale going on… yep, nearly everything is $20 a piece – brands from Pleasure State to Heidi Klum… $20 each. Looking for a gorgeous dress to take you from Christmas brunch, all the way to dinner, […]
October 14, 2016

Top trends for Spring

So, it’s taken a while, but Spring is finally here! And I’ve picked the top 5 wardrobe updates to try now… Bold florals The easy update for Spring – plus it makes you feel fresh, clean and well, in the season! Go for a skirt with a simple top, or take it to the next level with a top and skirt combo or jumpsuit. Pleat floral skirt, from BNKR was $169.95 now just $75 Floral top and skirt set from Miss Poem, $110 Navy floral jumpsuit from Miss Poem, $90   Cold shoulder Off the shoulder tops are so hot right now! Whether it is a little cut-out or total décolletage you can’t go wrong. Paired with skinny jeans or cut-offs, floaty skirts, this look screams on trend. Off the shoulder top, Empty Hanger, was $99.99 now $80   Sneaking around Trainers as everyday fashion shoes? No, I’m not talking about the Jerry Seinfeld look, but a bright, suede trainer, paired with a shift dress, or skinny jeans or harem pants, will update your look, […]
September 1, 2016

Quick! It’s Fathers Day!!

Top 5 gifts for dad! If you are anything like me, Fathers Day creeps up on you EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR. So I tend to do last minute shopping for the huz and my dad and I figured I’d help y’all out with my top 5 gift ideas for dad… This time of year, a new pair of sunnies is a great gift, so check out the new fit out at Sunglass Hut and the awesome deals they have at the moment with big brands such as Prada and Carrera. These Prada classic sports are now $308 from $440! And these hot Carrera’s just $101.50 from $145. You’ll be dad fave for sure….   A fresh pair of Connies is always a top pick, and you can grab him 2 for $100! Score!   Looking for something for the classic dad? Daniel Hechter is the place to go for style and class. This cord sports jacket was $399, now just $199! Pair with a bone pair of chinos and stripe shirt for weekend casual cool…   […]
July 29, 2016

New kids in the ‘Town…

There are always new bargains to find at Harbour Town, but I especially love checking out the new stores! Here are the new kids to H-Town over the last couple of months…   Miss Poem Australia This store is the brand’s first concept shop in Australia! Dedicated to bringing you high quality, affordable and fashionable clothing for all occasions under one roof! You’ll find basics, denim, knitwear and casual wear all at Harbour Town bargain prices! These fabbo basic longline tops are just $38.64, gorgeous navy quilted bomber is down to $89.60 from $153 and this faux leather midi skater skirt now only $67.20, from $96! My fave look at the moment is a loose, casual top with distressed skinny jeans and this outfit will set you back $180.60, saving you $77.40. Yep, get into Miss Poem, you’ll love it!   Oakley This iconic sports brand comes to H-Town with a huge range of surf, ski and lifestyle accessories that we’ve all come to love. Mens and womens sunglasses, tees, jumpers, hats, snow goggles and […]
June 17, 2016

Winter is com… here!

Hold the door! It’s freezing out there! Time to layer with cool coats and I’ve found some gorgeous pieces to take you and your bloke through the next few months… at bargain prices mind you! I am loving this moto leather look jacket with jersey hood for my huz from YD… only $99 down from $199. How about this awesome, camo puffa with removable hood and internal pockets for just $90. Yep, you see, at Esprit Harbour Town everything is always 50% off… crazy I know!   Does your guy pull off the English gent peacoat look? Then head to Tarocash where this charcoal, wool blend is $149 down from $199. Groovy baby… For a serious classy coverup, this navy, wool coat from Daniel Hechter, with removable collar goes from casual to dressy in a zippy, is down to $199 from $599!! No, this is not a typo! More colours to choose from too..   Now, ladies, I haven’t forgotten about you… Jacqui E have some super stunning double breasted coats with $100 off – […]
April 27, 2016

Mama, I love you…

“Sweet lady, don’tcha know we love ya? But my plan is to show you that I understand you are appreciated” See, even Tupac loved his mummy but I bet he didn’t shop at H-Town for the best pressie! I’ve sourced the best deals under $60 for ya’ll, so just drop this under the nose of your significant other, child or anyone who is doing the Mothers Day shopping this year (yes, you can even spoil yourself!) Let’s start with a fabbo trio of bracelets from Mimco. Who doesn’t love a little arm candy? From only $29, everyone’s a winner… Typo have a huge range of Mothers Day gift ideas in store, including this combo of eye mask and bed socks pack for only $19.99, a Lean on Me convertible neck pillow for $24.99 and ‘Come dry with me’ tea towel declaring your love for granny, is only $5 with any purchase! Many more designs to choose from too…   If, like me, keeping your tootsies dry but looking funky during the soccer/footy season is an […]
March 7, 2020

Review: How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying at the Goodwood Institute

‘How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying’ the Pulitzer Prize winning book by Abe Burrows, Jack Weinstock and Willie Gilbert and Tony Award-winning musical with Music and Lyrics by Frank Loesser, is a story about the triumph of the typical man amid the mockery of big business. Once again, March Productions brings a quite adult-themed musical to life with a young cast, and while the wordy and 1960s dated show proved a little challenging at times with some stumbles over monologues, producer Alice Kennett should be very proud of the modern and sophisticated end product. The stellar production team of Michelle Davy, Mark DeLaine and Brady Lloyd should be highly applauded for their fabulous work on this little gem. When a restless, ambitious and charmingly manipulative window washer named J.Pierrepont Finch (that’s spelt F.I.N.C.H) comes across a book entitled ‘How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying’, he decides to begin his climb up the corporate ladder. Guided by the Voice of the Book, and a dose of his own canniness, Finch begins his […]
March 6, 2020

Review: Luminarium: Daedalum at R.C.C, Adelaide Fringe Festival

Architects of Air (AoA) are really onto something. Alan Parkinson, founder and designer and artistic director has built and toured over 500 exhibitions in more than 40 countries, sharing his ‘sense of wonder at the phenomenon of light’. Inspired by natural forms, geometric solids, Islamic and Gothic architecture; each new creation is a maze of winding paths and domes where visitors may lose themselves in sensory bliss. A luminarium takes between 4 to 6 months to build entirely by hand by a workforce of around 6 people. Built entirely in AoA’s Nottingham workshop using a custom-made PVC unique to AoA. A luminarium will last for approximately 300 days of exhibition spread over 4 years, after which it is cut into pieces to be recycled. The luminarium structure is designed with functionality in mind as a temporary building to include portability, accessibility, stability and a modularity to allow the structures to be reconfigured for different sites. Daedalum takes it’s name from Daedalus. In Greek mythology, he was the father of Icarus and the architect of the […]
March 6, 2020

Review: Cold Blood at the Ridley Centre

I don’t like to read about a show before seeing it. I much prefer to go in unaware and come to my own conclusion. With all the hype surrounding Kiss & Cry Collective’s Cold Blood, it was difficult to shield myself from the talk. However, I managed to observe opening night only knowing I was watching dancing hands in a tiny set. The brainchild of husband and wife creative duo, dancer and choreographer Michele Anne De Mey, and acclaimed director and screenwriter Jaco Van Dormael and texts by Thomas Gunzig, Cold Blood takes us on a whimsical and entrancing ride. It is the story of seven unpredictable and startling deaths through a multitude of scenarios, using human hands and tiny, child-like toys to demonstrate the silly but fading feebleness of life. This fascinating mix of art forms – dance, film, text – is true genius and is nothing short of original fantastical theatre. As we sit and see a large projection screen, below is the live activity of dancers, camera crew and technicians that create […]
March 5, 2020

Review: Frankenstein: How to Make A Monster at RCC

Debating whether to sit in the elevated section or centre front upon arrival with my guest, I’m glad we decided centre front. We were up close and personal with all the action. Making it’s Australian debut at the Adelaide Fringe Festival, the Battersea Arts Centre (BAC) Beatbox Academy all the way from the UK, lead by the coolest cat Conrad, are a bunch of uber talented youth presenting Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein in an innovative and electrifying combination of beatbox, theatre and song – all live and all made from the mouth. We begin the evening hearing about BAC’s collaboration with our own youth arts centre, Carclew, and Conrad introduces three incredibly raw, but oh so adept kids; Ocean, T-Dog and Eemes, as a curtain raiser to the evening’s performance. They had been workshopping beats, jamming, raps and writing lyrics. Except Ocean. She had no lyrics and was going to freestyle with words the audience threw at her. Chicken, Madhouse, Rabies, Sausage. Yep, she killed it! Conrad then turned the audience into a Beatbox orchestra by […]
February 28, 2020

Review: Blanc de Blanc Encore at the Fortuna Spiegeltent, Garden of Unearthly Delights

After seeing the inceptive Blanc de Blanc two years ago, my expectations were high. I was hoping this wasn’t going to be like a bad sequel following a great original. I wasn’t disappointed. Strut and Fret’s gutsy and uninhibited blend of comedic cabaret, dynamic dance numbers and awe arousing aerials will leave you applauding like mad and wanting for more. Seated in the round, the stage is set with champagne on ice, and large circles, or balls if you will, creating the backdrop. The opening Gatsby-inspired party really got the crowd fired up and in the mood for what lay ahead. Our incredible and wacky hosts for the evening, Felix …. and Remi Martin took us on a journey to Parisian glitz and glamour, transported us through vintage French flavours and fantasies and opulent times of the City of Light. Their interluding gag shows were an absolute highlight for me, as was their chemistry, banter and connection on stage together. Scenes of the cast lip-synching to various songs about drinking while a spotlight followed them […]
February 27, 2020

Review: Maho Magic Bar at The Garden of Unearthly Delights

Set in a bespoke pop up bar, with all glittering, neon Tokyo lights on the outside and cool cherry blossom elegance on the inside, Maho Magic Bar will give you and your friends an intimate night of magic and illusion. Leave reality at the door, and be consumed by the wonders of magic and wicked delectation. Direct from Japan, Broad Encounters bring these four masterful enchanters and their zany host, for a world premiere in The Garden of Unearthly Delights. A brilliant celebration of Japanese culture – both contemporary and traditional, Maho Magic is a shimmering hour of delights, drinks and dazzling magic. We are ushered to our table where we join with another raucous group of four and are introduced to our first up close and personal magician, Shohgo Yamashita; a pioneer of eye-popping tricks (so says his business card). He takes our drink order then proceeds to perform a series of card tricks that will literally blow your mind. A sweet boy wonder of a charmer, don’t let his innocence fool you! As […]
February 26, 2020

Review: The Will to Be at the Bakehouse Theatre

I’ve always had a soft spot for The Bakehouse Theatre, having performed there myself many years ago. It is a casual, intimate space, perfect for the one man play, The Will To Be. Written, produced and performed by an incredibly creative and talented young man, Mark Salvestro, The Will To Be is a thought provoking, one act exploration of sexuality, societal suppressions and shame laced with the words of Shakespeare. We first meet the character, William O’Halloran, sitting atop his desk reading a letter to himself as we take our seats in the studio theatre. The eloquent, historical set implies this is the office of an intellect; with books, certificates and work scattered across the room. A carefully placed coat rack with jacket and hat strategically placed, and a melancholy late 50s early 60s soundtrack playing in the background. Salvestro articulates the nervousness, flustered and overwrought O’Halloran with such a befitting authenticity of someone dealing with an indecent homosexual discretion being discovered in the 1960s. He tells us he has been fired one month before […]
February 21, 2020

Review: The Choir of Man at The Moa, Gluttony

Entering the hustle and bustle of the fab venue, The Moa, with one of my all-time favourite nostalgic tunes, ‘You Call Me Al’ blaring, you know you are in for a good night when you are invited up on the stage to enjoy a beer as you walk in! The Choir of Man is the international success from the hitmakers, Andrew Kay and Nic Doodson. And what a hit it is! Put a pack of 9 twenty-something young, talented men together to sing, drink and talk for almost an hour and a half and what you get is incredible adrenalin, high voltage energy and pure, undiluted entertainment! A cast of seemingly ordinary guys will blow you away with their incredible choreography, tight vocals, sweet poetry and dynamic instrumentals featuring songs from rock, folk, pop and Broadway! The scene was set with the opening number ‘Welcome to The Jungle’, which also happens to be the name of the pub the show is set in. After this bolt of lightning initial scene, we get to meet the […]
February 19, 2020

Review: Frank Woodley – *@#!KING CLOWN at The Factory, The Garden of Unearthly Delights

When you walk into a theatre set with a banana on a ladder, a bunch of balloons in one corner, two microphones stands and an array of costumes set on either side, you know you are in for a traditional Woodley treat. Known as the goofy half of Lano & Woodley, Woodley has carved an incredible career for himself with his slapstick, slightly innocent persona. After working together for almost 20 years, Woodley and Lane decided to part ways in 2006, which led to Woodley performing a number of solo stand up shows, leading to his latest offering, *@#!KING CLOWN. Directed by Bob Franklin with sound and lights by Benny (well done sir), *@#!KING CLOWN (I love writing that), is the story of Woodley’s journey to France to present at a 3 day masterclass with European clown royalty, Balzakov (cough, cough). Here he finds he is demoted to only speak for an hour, as ‘comedian’ from Australia, Franc Woodle, not the 3 days, and then becomes a student in the workshops of mime and funny. […]
February 16, 2020

Review: Brass Monkeys at The Factory

What a start to the fab Adelaide Fringe season! Beautiful weather, an afternoon out with the family to see the spectacular Brass Monkeys. Presented by Circus Trick Tease, this powerhouse trio of performers Kyle Raftery and April Dawson [under the pseudonyms of Jason and Kylie – love the Neighbours reference] and director Malia Walsh bring their new quirky, action-packed, comedy and circus show to Adelaide. After seeing their award-winning 2019 show, ‘Children Are Stinky’, I knew this was going to be a great spectacle. Walken in to the pre-show tune of ‘Weapon of Choice’ by Fat Boy Slim [see what I did there? Walken…], we are greeted by a set of giant coloured circles with musical notes; a nice bright stage to capture the youthful audiences imagination. Jason and Kylie are engaging, clever and highly energetic and have the young crowd enthralled from start to finish. So much so, that the children could not contain themselves in their seats and just had to join them on stage! The premise of the show had Jason and […]
February 3, 2020

Review: Seussical JR (Adelaide Youth Theatre) at the Arts Theatre

You’d think after seeing the older cast members perform Seussical, I’d be all ‘seussed’ out, but no, I’m back for more fun and frivolity with the younger performers in Seussical JR! Again, by rehearsing both shows at the same time, in the same time frame and performing in the same theatre, I’m surprised founders and producers Emma Riggs and Kerreane Sarti are still standing! Horton the Elephant, the Cat in the Hat and all your favourite Dr. Seuss characters spring to life onstage in Seussical JR., a fantastical musical extravaganza from Tony-winners Stephen Flaherty and Lynn Ahrens. Well done to the talented production team of Director Ned Baulderstone, Musical Director Kate Neville and choreographer Teagan Fisher for navigating such elocutionary and rhetorical lyrics with such a young cast! Seussical Junior is a sung through musical based on the many children’s stories of Dr. Seuss, with most of its plot being based on ‘Horton Hears a Who!’ while incorporating many others such as Oh, the Thinks You Can Think!, McElligot’s Pool, The Butter Battle Book, If […]
February 3, 2020

Review: Seussical the Musical (Adelaide Youth Theatre) at the Arts Theatre

It’s no secret I’m a big fan of Adelaide Youth Theatre. In it’s tenth year, founders and producers Emma Riggs and Kerreane Sarti have created an incredible platform and learning ground for Adelaide’s young musical theatre talent; fostering the craft and building the foundations for a potential professional career. This summer school holiday show, Seussical, was put together in 2 ½ weeks with a cast from the ages of 12 to 21. Just read that again… Two and a half weeks. The incredible music of Stephen Flaherty and lyrics of Lynn Ahrens, based on the works of the formidable Dr. Seuss, was brought to life by the AMAZING production team of dual Director and Musical Directors Serena Martino-Williams and Jesse Budel and fabulous choreographer Nina Richi. Seussical takes us into the world of Dr Seuss, where we visit his beloved characters including The Cat in the Hat, Horton the Elephant, Gertrude McFuzz, Lazy Mayzie and JoJo. The Cat in the Hat guides us into the Jungle of Nool where we meet Horton, the kind hearted […]
January 1, 2020

Review: Billy Elliot the Musical at the Festival Theatre

Billy. Elliot. Those two simple words fill my body with feelings of nostalgia, acceptance, tenacity, forgiveness and perseverance. When I first saw the film in the early 2000s, it made a lasting impression on me. Imagine my excitement, when Elton John wrote the music and Lee Hall provided the book and lyrics to turn this coming of age dance drama film into an award winning and global phenomenon musical. While Adelaide missed out on the original 2008/2009 tour, Universal Theatrical Group, Working Title Films, Greene Light Stage, Michael Coppel Entertainments and Louise Withers Presents are now bringing the 10th Anniversary Australian Tour to Adelaide for a limited run after a hugely successful Sydney season. For those who are unfamiliar with the story, the plot revolves around Billy, a motherless British boy who begins taking ballet lessons, which is polar opposite to his coal miner father and brother’s working class, union fighting beliefs. His ballet teacher, Mrs Wilkinson, recognises Billy’s potential, and suggests he audition for the Royal Ballet School in London. The story of his […]
October 27, 2019

Review: The Village at the Festival Theatre

On an unexpected wet and windy Adelaide night, Stan Lai’s The Village provided a heart-warming and comforting night at the theatre. Set at the end of the Civil War in 1949, in a Military Dependents Village in Chiayi, Taiwan, the story crosses a span of 50 years and three generations – the Zhao, Zhu and Zhou families. From the first generation fleeing mainland China after the Kuomintang was defeated, yearning to go back home, to building temporary homes which become their permanent homes, The Village traces the lives of these families and explores themes of identity, belonging and community. Drawing from real life stories in such villages, acclaimed legendary director, Stan Lai has captured poignant experiences and crafted an epic and masterful theatre production that depicts a true, touching history of Taiwan. We are introduced to the first generation, who settled into their makeshift village home, Formosa Village One, after fleeing to safety in Taiwan. It was presumed to be a temporary refugee exile, but transformed into a permanent communal melting pot that would vibrantly […]
October 18, 2019

Review: Techno Circus at the Dustan Playhouse

You know you are in for a zany night out when critics have described this show as ‘multi-layered hyperactivity for the stage’. Bringing my 11 year old son as my date/fellow critic, we walk into the theatre to see a parade of audience members having their photos taken on stage in various states of crazy poses. We discover these photos are then used as part of the shows finale. More on that later. Techno Circus is presented by SIRO-A, a group described as ‘Japan’s answer to the Blue Man Group’. Personally, I loved these guys more! SIRO-A are renowned worldwide for their spectacular performances that combine special effects, incredible projections, mime, dance, puppetry, comedy, illusion and high energy techno music. They have wowed audiences of all ages with their Golden Buzzer winning act from America’s Got Talent, attracted millions of views on YouTube, sold out shows across the globe, and now are ready to take Adelaide on a ride as part of the Adelaide Festival Centre’s Oz Asia Festival. This show is a feast for […]